Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's All Coming Back to Me Now

July has been a month full of memories, and remembering things from years past. It's been a few years since I rode a bike (as in, perhaps 7 or 8 years), but earlier in July, I bought a bike. With the metro opening near me--yes, here it comes again, a reference to the metro--I decided I needed to branch out and get new forms of transportation. Plus, my doctor told me to exercise more, and since running isn't my thing, I figured biking would be good. So on July 5, I took the plunge and got a bike and having been biking around the Virginia suburbs here and there as my heart desires. Even though it's been so many years, it came back quickly. What they say is right: riding a bike for the first time in a long time is easy, as easy as riding a bike. :)

And then part two of remembering happened this past weekend on a trip up to New Jersey and a part of the state I spent a few years (well, a summer and a half, really, but it was still "home" for a bit). As I got closer, I very much remembered the roads and the landmarks. It had been 18 months since I had been there and six years since I spent any real time there, but I knew the area. I find it amazing how well my mind--well, many peoples' minds, really--can store that information and remember for years into the future. Even though the road was widened, new buildings were put up, and the landscape changed to make room for new future developments, I knew the area. Fascinating.

Thank you, Ellen, for making me laugh as always.

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