Thursday, July 10, 2014

Francais Encore

I've been meaning to work on my French; I think knowing a foreign language is an invaluable asset for anyone, and I had made a lot of progress studying French from middle school through college that I have a nice base to start from. Well, this week, I once again began to study French. It started out cobwebs, but even after just 30 minutes of conversation, it started coming back.

Vive la France?
Problem, though (because there's always a problem). I also have a nice base in other languages, and when my vocabulary in French starts waning, as it oh so often does, I just naturally find a language where I know the words. I don't speak French. Or Portuguese. Or anything else...I speak my own hodgepodge language. I remember a couple years back when a bunch of people in northern France were convinced I was from Belgium because of my accent and poor vocabulary. At least I sort of blended in, right?

Of course, a downside(?) to studying French again is that I find myself silently (usually) narrating my life in French just to see if I can do it. I also probably mutter the words sometimes. The people at the supermarket must think I'm a complete weirdo, walking down the aisles speaking in tongues. Such is life out in the suburbs, I suppose!

Not only are all of DJ Earworm's mash-ups awesome, but he even did one in French...that totally and completely feels like summer!!!

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