Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I Can Finally Confirm That I Don't Have Birds Living In My Bathroom

For the past two summers there has been an incessant chirping during the day in one of my bathrooms coming from the vent. It basically sounds like a family of birds has taken up nest in my house. Problem was, besides that one place, I seemed to be unable to locate the source of the chirping. This past weekend I went into my attic and had a look around. THANKFULLY, no birds. Yet the chirping continued. I was about to chalk it up to weird echoing when yesterday, for the first time in a long time, it was silent. Dead silent.

Then oddly, this morning, my bedroom and my kitchen (my bedroom is right over my kitchen) had this weird smell, as if a skunk was right outside or an animal died. My mind immediately connected the two incidents, but I had no proof, of course. To air out my house and eliminate the odor I opened all the windows in my bedroom and kitchen and, as if on cue, the birds in the trees outside my house started chirping. I rushed back to the bathroom and, lo and behold, it was the same chirping (or, at least in the same rhythm). Further, when I went outside to that area, there was a poor bird that looked like it might have been dead right in that area. Mystery, I believe, solved.

Sadly, with the birds having taken up residence in a tree right outside a vent that apparently leads straight to my bathroom, I'm afraid the noise will continue. However, there is some comfort in being rather confident that I don't have birds living in my bathroom and one of those birds not living in my bathroom didn't die in my vents. Unless I get evidence to the contrary, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Because animals can be incredibly cute (well, are usually ridiculously cute), this dog melted my heart. Definitely man's best friend, even when being mean to baby man.

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