Saturday, July 19, 2014

One Week Until the Silver Line

Today Fairfax County hosted an open house at the temporary end of the beautiful new metro line. I'm 3 miles away, and since I anticipate using the metro a lot, I figured it'd be a good idea for me to go check it out. I want to be prepared and know before it opens how to get from train to bus, where parking and bikes go, etc. Basically, I want to be prepared.

It was a mixed bag of success. I know the layout of the station and the associated facilities, but the folks there to help us new commuters were not as knowledgeable about things as I would have expected them to be. I thought some of my questions would be easy to answer and part of a standard FAQ, but apparently I was wrong. I guess I'm going to have to spend the next week doing my own research to answer my questions. At least I have the bus and metro schedules now to refer to.

Wiehle-Reston East Metro Station

Entrance to Buses/Bike Room/Parking
In any case, next week will be an exciting time for me. Yes, that's more than one post about public transportation, and I'm sure there will be more. The whole reason I moved as far into the suburbs as I did was knowing that the metro was eventually coming, so this justifies the move three years ago!

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