Sunday, August 3, 2014

Have You Considered That Maybe That Dress Doesn't Fit You Anymore Because You Gained Some Weight?

Friday night I did something I've never done before: I went out late on a Friday night to see a comedy show. One of the guys I've mentioned on this blog before--South African comedian Trevor Noah--was in DC doing a series of four shows. Actually, he was in Arlington, but for his sake, we'll pretend it was DC. As he noted in the beginning of his set, it's easier to say DC than Virginia because people understand "DC." Anyway, he was absolutely hilarious and had great social commentary on US airport security practices, why soccer is such a great game, why toddlers are evil, and a great critique of women who bottle up their thought and misinterpret men's comments. For instance, when a woman asks if she looks fat in something or wonders why a particular piece of clothing no longer fits, the man usually offers a hypothesis. But while he was just opining that perhaps she gained weight, all she heard was "FATTY FATTY FATTY FATTY FATTY." Hence, discord between the sexes.

I'm glad I went out Friday night; I'm going to try doing it more often. There's an elevated plaza at Tysons Corner Center that is now doing free concerts Friday nights, so future Friday nights may be spent there just relaxing while listening to some up-and-coming artists. I feel like I'm finally starting to take advantage of some of these cultural events that living near a city (Washington) and a wannabe city (Tysons) offers!

And in case you need a short Trevor Noah fix, he does a mean Jacob Zuma. At our show, he noted that Zuma told FIFA ahead of the 2010 World Cup that there wouldn't be a terrorist attack because al-Qaida sent him a letter, and while they may be terrorists, they're not liars. :)

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