Friday, April 11, 2014

The Weather, Universal Small Talk

Yes, this is a post about the weather. After an amazing five-week stretch, the weather since Monday has been TERRIBLE. I mean, cold (highs in the mid-70s), breezy (probably a cool 10-20mph), and rainy. Awful, I know. Yet every Zambian I've come in contact with since Monday--at the hotel, at work, at restaurants--assures me that this only lasts a few days. And every single one of them loves to talk about it.

It seems to me that weather is the universal small talk. I suppose it's because you know that you and the person facing you are both experiencing the weather, so it's something to bring you together. But still, it's weird to have the same conversation over and over. I've resorted to bringing up that everyone tells me this is temporary, which usually makes the Zambian laugh, nod, and then give me his or her own prediction. If this bad weather continues beyond Saturday (the day they all assured would be the last cold day), I have a lot of people to question about their meteorological skills!

Divergent at Fresh View Cinemas for 35 kwacha!
So my week has been rather boring, since I'm not really up for taking walks in rainy weather, lest I get caught somewhere. I've avoided my two favorite restaurants this week in part because I ate at the hotel two times to avoid going outside. And today I went to the movies to see Divergent. I have mixed feelings on the movie, but it was only 35 kwacha ($5.75), so the movies are definitely much more affordable. The theaters are finally shifting away from the Christmas- and New Year-themed movies.

This post's video is quite fine, and the fact that it takes place in New Jersey just makes it all that much better. :-) I wonder what my reaction to a living statue would be. Anyway, enjoy the laughs!

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