Monday, October 27, 2014

It's Been So Long Since Last We Met

This past weekend was Georgetown's homecoming, also known as Georgetown giving hundreds of students and alum a reason to day drink. Oh, and obviously to catch up with friends who I haven't seen in awhile. Very clearly, homecoming is not at ALL about football. To celebrate, a good friend came to town and stayed in my guest bedroom, so we had a full weekend full of fun activities.

Great Falls
We started on Friday with a hike through beautiful Great Falls National Park. It was an approximately 4 mile loop on the Virginia side of the Potomac, with stunning views of the river and rapids, and in general just lovely nature. It was definitely not a bad way to start a weekend. Friday continued with a game of Scattergories--I lost--and grilling baked potatoes and barbecue chicken. Deliciousness.

Perils of the Lost Jungle
Friday night evolved into epicness with the best 18 holes of mini golf I have ever played. There's a place near me that does "Perils of the Lost Jungle" that is basically an Indiana Jones-themed course. There's a sign at the start warning that players will get wet, but I did not take that seriously. The course was interactive--at one point we needed to put our hand on a mini pyramid to open a trap door--and the animatronics were well-done. There was a hiding gorilla, evil things in boxes, etc. So cool. Oh, and I got sprayed with water twice...once was a spritz by poisonous frogs, and the other was a volley of water from an alligator. And then there was the end. Unlike most mini golf courses where the final hole steals your ball, here when you reached to get your ball out of the hole, it used air to knock it out. It was completely unexpected. Ice cream obviously followed. :)

Hello, Georgetown!
Saturday was homecoming day. We started off by exploring all the new buildings on campus, and I was amazed by how nice campus is and all of the new study spaces. But then to the main event. Friends + Fun + Beer + 80s Cover Band = My Perfect Day. I did NOT stay for the football team and don't even know who won (at least I know they played Bucknell). It was an absolutely spectacular day, with temperatures getting into the 70s under a cloudless sky, so the next stop was obviously the grand lawns at the front of campus to take a nap under one of the big trees. It was college all over again, but the fun part, after spring finals, when there were no responsibilities and the weather was perfect. Eventually we decided to move on, walking along the C&O Canal towpath before catching a metro ride back out to the 'burbs.

Observation Tower, watching a plane land at Dulles
And then there was Sunday. I was already working on little sleep having had an action-packed Friday and Saturday, so we agreed to just wake up whenever and then went to the Udvar-Hazey Air and Space Museum near Dulles Airport. It has hangars of planes and is a nice complement to the museum stuck in downtown DC. Udvar-Hazey also hosts the space shuttle Discovery(!) and a Air France Concorde. I guess that's what you can do with unlimited space in the suburbs!

Before my friend departed DC on Sunday night, we played a couple rounds of Mario Party on Wii, a nice relaxing way to end the weekend.

And last week I saw this video and, well, I love every 80s slow dance song apparently. This video was better, in my opinion, than the 90s or the 00s version.

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