Monday, May 5, 2014

World's Worst Safari: Feeling Like an Adult in Zimbabwe

It seems to be happening with more frequency the older I get. I know it's obvious, but as time goes on, I start feeling more and more like an adult. Several times over the past few weeks I've asked myself, "What would my parents do?" and then did just that. It's scary, because I don't remember when this started or know how it will progress, but I fully notice that it's happening. In addition, I'm with increasing frequency feeling like a responsible adult and actually believe that others who see me believe it too. Weird, right?

Black Bazar--a Congolese band (plus a Cameroonian) during
HIFA 2014
A lot of this adult feeling over the last few days happened on my weekend trip to Harare, Zimbabwe, to visit friends. It's hard to find real faults with Lusaka, but it's also nice to get away from time to time, and with some good friends just a 37-minute plane ride away, how could I resist. [side note] Air Namibia is an AMAZING airline. On the short flight, they served KitKats and juice boxes. It was awesome. [end side note] Anyway, I took the weekend trip to the neighboring country and in my short 48 hours there did some amazing fun, enjoyable, adult-y things.

It started off with getting cultured by attending the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA). To be fair to me, HIFA was really more like a random hippie-esque music concert, but it was still an adult-feeling activity to me; it's hard to explain exactly why. But that day I paired HIFA up with barbecue chicken and playing with dogs. How does it get any better? It was a completely chill day/night, and that made me feel like an adult.

Picturesque Point in Lake Chivero Recreational Park
The next day, we took a safari drive not far outside the city and, even though it was probably the world's worst safari drive--we saw a couple of impala and there was an ostrich in the road--I thoroughly enjoyed it. The company was great and we had a drink at a really picturesque point. So maybe the animals all decided to stay in and the safari-aspect of the drive was a bit of a bust, but the whole day itself to me was a success.

There was nothing inherently adult-y in the trip, except in the way it made me feel. The whole weekend--from the concept of the trip itself to the activities--to me was a merging of adult life and non-adult life (I don't want to call it childlike, because that carries negative connotations that aren't right). I know that's a lot of thinking for a 2-day trip, but it really did feel like that to me. I'm looking forward to having more of these adult-like moments behaving in a responsible manner when I return to the US. I hope. In the meantime, this video that makes me incredibly happy is a perfect blend of youth playfulness and adult activity!

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