Saturday, May 24, 2014

I'm Starting To Think I Need A Life :)

Two things that happened today made me realize that. The first is embarrassing, but what's the point of having a blog if slightly embarrassing things don't occasionally make it onto it? So today, I was at Spur Copper Creek, a steak restaurant at Manda Hill Mall (btw, if you guessed that it's Native American-themed, you'd be right...although I never suggested you take a guess. Oh well). Anyway, this restaurant's music choices are occasionally odd. A few months ago I made the unfortunate mistake of walking in at the start of them playing a Best of Celine Dion CD. Today, while I was waiting for my food, Bennie and the Jets came on. And all I could think of was this:
Yes, the first thing that came to mind for me was a scene from the 27 Dresses. Thankfully I resisted any urge to jump up onto the table and belt out the wrong lyrics!
The second thing has already been posted to Facebook, but alas, here it goes as well. I was reading some newspaper, and they mentioned how Malawi's post-independence political history parallels Zambia's, and in ways that are eerier than most countries. I got super giddy reading this and then spent time on Wikipedia, and lo and behold, the newspaper I saw it in was right. (I sadly don't remember what newspaper I read it in, and can't find it online.) Yet here's the premise of how they're very eerily paralleled:
  1. The first president ruled from the mid-60s to the early 90s.
  2. The first president lost the first multiparty election and stepped aside.
  3. The second president ruled for 10 years.
  4. The third president was of the same party as the second president.
  5. The third president died partway into his second term.
  6. The Vice President, Banda, becomes President.
  7. Vice President Banda runs in the next election and doesn't win.
Yes, reading about the parallel was really cool for me. I like when things like that happen. In any case, my thinking of a scene in the movie 27 Dresses and realizing the things that make me giddy, I've decided I probably need to get a life and get out more. With just 2 weeks until I'm back in the US, it could happen very soon!!! Oh, and enjoy the below video. This one and the most recent one (#7) are my favorites:

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