Thursday, May 15, 2014

Apparently Zambia Has Run Out of Cloth Napkins

That's the only logical conclusion I can come to anyhow. Now I realize that this is very much a first-world problem and not that bad in the scheme of things, but it's so bizarre, I just needed to share it. Yesterday I decided to eat dinner at my hotel. When they brought me my food I asked if they had a serviette (apparently that's the word for napkin everywhere in the world except for the US). The woman said she had given me one already and pointed to the baby napkin sitting under my drink. "No, a cloth one," I asked in my nicest voice. Her response was baffling: "Sorry, we've run out." She then proceeded to bring me a stack of about 15 cocktail napkins. My question is how does a hotel run out of cloth napkins, especially a hotel with TWO restaurants--one of which is relatively high-class--and especially since this was at the beginning of the dinner hour.

Then today, I went to my favorite steak restaurant, which has cloth tablecloths and usually cloth napkins, but I actually saw them bringing back a bag with some packs of napkins. Once again, I don't understand--where did all the cloth napkins go? I'm curious as to whether or not this is a trend or just a very odd coincidence. I look forward to seeing how this goes.

So the other day I discovered Trevor Noah, and apparently he's coming to DC some point this year, and I hope to see him live. He's a South African comedian and has great material. This video about Bafana Bafana, South Africa's national soccer team, really cracks me up. Oh, and the clip mentions Zambia, so I had to pay special attention to it! :)

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