Friday, February 14, 2014

18 Months To Meet Some of My Neighbors

Note: I tried posting this yesterday but had no luck. So here's the post, one day after I intended to have it up. 

I haven't purposefully not met my neighbors. In many ways, it just sort of happened because I'm one of the few people in the neighborhood without any children, and with long work schedules (both me and my neighbors), there are few times we'd naturally run into each other besides going to our cars at 6am. And for those of you who know me, I'm not the most chatty at 6 in the morning.

That is, until today. I went outside to clear my car of 14 inches of snow, and almost everyone else was outside too. I finally got to meet (well, say hello) to the new family down the street's father, as well as the guy whose car is always immaculately clean and makes me jealous. I was also encouraged when I saw people helping each other shovel when they were done clearing their cars. Nothing like a major snowstorm to bring people together.

Prior to today, I really only knew people from my attendance at an HOA meeting last summer. Every time I meet people in the neighborhood I think that they're nice people but don't know of any situations when our paths would cross again. I sometimes wonder what I could do to change that but come up empty. "I'm not intentionally antisocial," I tell myself, "someday I'll be fully integrated in the community." But honestly, I don't know what more I can do at this point. It's 18 months in, and I'm still just meeting my neighbors.

That's all I've got for today. The 14 inches of snow got me the day off work, allowing me to have a lazy day watching Winter Olympics coverage. I like the portmanteau naming of winter storms, and Snochi is definitely my favorite for this one. And for this week's video that makes me happy, ignore the annoying BBC guy that didn't think Moussambani belonged in the Olympics...seeing an Equatoguinean complete the race and win his heat IS the Olympic spirit.

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