Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Solo Traveling

Lovers running and laughing through a rainstorm look romantic; a single person doing so looks nuts.
--Mille Kerr, Hemisphere Travel Essay, January 2016

My mom recently expressed concern about my seemingly constant single life, prompted in part by my December post about being Jewish and alone on Christmas. To be fair to her, I don't remember the last date I went on that I told her about, but the fact remains that yes, I'm 28 and single. I'm not actively looking to end my singleness, but I'm not actively looking to perpetuate it either. I just haven't found a person to end it with yet.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying doing things solo. My three-week jaunt through Eastern Europe worked well for me for many reasons, but one of those was that I was traveling alone. I stayed where I wanted, ate what I wanted, and visited the sites how I wanted. A 10-mile circuitous route through Warsaw--getting lost a few times--led only to complaints from my own feet. And my 14-mile walk throughout Toronto last month meant I didn't learn my lesson, but again, it was only my feet yelling at my brain. In both situations, I'd want my travel partner, and life partner, to feel the same.

Some day I won't be doing these trips alone, and I look forward to getting lost in some far-off city, staring at maps trying to figure out how we accidentally ended up three miles off-course in Chinatown. Not that I have any experience with that, of course! Until then, I'll enjoy my solo excursions and look forward to seeing other parts of the world.

The photo to the left is me looking straight down from the top of the CN Tower, a really crazy experience. And below is a video that I took from Casa Loma, Canada's very own castle. The piano player was brilliant, and looked like a mermaid princess. Most of her songs were Disney tunes, but not all of them. Unfortunately the better-quality video I took of her playing Beauty and the Beast is too big to upload to this blog, but this was pretty good. Enjoy!


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