Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ten Places I'd Like To Visit (Preferably in 2015)

In 2008 I created a list of ten places I wanted to visit. Since then, I've crossed two places off my list (Yellowstone National Park and Victoria Falls) and will be crossing one more off in early 2015 (Seychelles). So seven locations have persisted on my list for over six  years. And here's the full list, beginning with the three newest locations:

10. Auckland, New Zealand. I think this is less "Auckland" then it is "New Zealand" in general, but I'll use the gateway to New Zealand as my point on the map. The natural beauty of the country--especially as shown in the Lord of the Rings movies--appeals to me. I really hope to travel to New Zealand some day and see its urban areas and scenic locations. Oh, and Zorb down its famous hills.

9. Fogo, Cabo Verde. Notwithstanding a recent volcanic eruption, I've heard amazing things about the hike up to the top of Fogo, which is perhaps the most famous mountain/volcano in Cabo Verde. I may not always seem it, but I love the outdoors and especially hiking. So yeah, a hike to the top of a volcano in a picturesque setting sounds pretty appealing to me.

8. Windhoek, Namibia. My map of "Where I've Been" has filled in most of southern Africa, but Namibia is one of the holes I'd really like to fill. Like Auckland, for me Windhoek would be a base from which to visit the rest of Namibia, including its world famous sand dunes. But Windhoek itself also has some appeal, with its German history and architecture unique to southern Africa.

And the persistent seven:

7. Honolulu, Hawaii. I've traveled to 41 of the 50 states (some much more extensively than others...), and Hawaii is one of my nine remaining states (along with Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Vermont). Thus, I would like to visit. Plus, it's supposed to be a tropical paradise.

6. Reykjavik, Iceland. Northern Lights. And glaciers. And hot springs. The possibilities in Iceland seem endless!

5. Thimphu, Bhutan. A real life Shangri-La, the natural beauty of Bhutan is supposed to be among the best in the world. I've seen pictures of Buddhist monasteries built into the sides of mountains, and that's the sort of architectural wonder that really tends to captivate me.

4. Andorra la Vella, Andorra. I'm not a big skier, but I've heard that the town and its old architecture is a beautiful place to walk around and drink some hot chocolate. I love places off the beaten path, and while Andorra is well-known to winter sports enthusiasts, I wouldn't call it a popular place in, say, the summer. Which is when I'd probably like to go.

3. Cape Town, South Africa. I want to climb Table Mountain. I want to see the penguins of Boulder Beach. I want to go on a wine tour of Western Cape's famous vineyards. I want to pay my respects at Robben Island. And I want to explore this city that I've been told has a pleasant climate and delicious cuisine.

2. Sydney, Australia. I want to explore all of Australia, but I also wouldn't mind time in just Sydney. There seems to be so much to do there, and I want to do it all. I have yet to find one person who has gone to Sydney that has said something bad. So I want to go. Plus, I've never been to that entire part of the world (furthest west I've been is the west coast of the US, and the furthest east is Qatar).

1. Vilnius, Lithuania. This has less to do with the natural beauty or the old town than the personal connection I have to the city. Vilnius was the birthplace of my grandfather, and I feel a deep need to go and visit the city. For me, it's that simple.

So that's my list. Maybe I'll be able to cross some of these places off in the coming months/years! In the meantime, THIS is Zorbing. And on The Amazing Race no less. Maybe one day I'll do both!

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