Friday, December 5, 2014

Not Living in the Past

About two years ago, I went on a few dates with a girl, we'll call her "R" for the sake of this post. Date #1 went pretty well, which led to Date #2, which was also pretty good, but definitely fell short of Date #1. No worries, though, I figured not everything in life can be a 10/10, so I looked forward to Date #3. But Date #3 tanked. I mean, it was really bad, and I'm pretty sure both of us knew it. I don't think we needed to say that there would be no future dates, but R nevertheless did the whole, "It's not you, it's me" thing and claimed she wasn't ready for a relationship. So, no harm done, and we went our separate ways.

I figured I'd probably never run into R again; we live far enough away from each other and wouldn't be hanging out in the same circles. But a few weeks back I saw her--unexpectedly--and we played the "Let's catch up" game. I surmised that we both said that to be polite but that neither of us really meant it. Until she sent me a text. I was flabbergasted. She asked if I wanted to pick up where Date #2 left off (see, she blocked Date #3 out of her mind too!), but I politely declined. I have moved on, and I don't know why this time would be any different.

I've been thinking about this for awhile, and while I was flattered, I just couldn't imagine myself trying again with R. In part, it's because I've learned more about myself in the last two years and what I think I'm looking for in a partner. But there was also a part of me that just didn't want to rehash a past scenario--Date #3 was undeniably bad.

So that's what's been going on lately. I'm happy it's December, because days seem to speed up at the end of the year and I love the changing of days. What I'm less thrilled about is the cold weather. I wish I enjoyed it as much as this dog, who totally understands how to run a snow maze.

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