Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mixed Feelings on Social Media

Like most people my age, I'm fairly active on social media. As someone who had few people follow him from elementary school to middle school to high school to college, and then moved and stayed away post-graduation, I find social media a great way to keep up with people I knew in childhood. And I love seeing people's updates, even from people I haven't talked to in a long time.

I might not see them often, but I share in their successes in life and feel for their pains. I never know whether it's appropriate to "like" or "favorite" their posts, however. Will these people think I'm strange? Do I come across as a stalker? And that's the hate part of my love-hate relationship with social media. It allows me to connect with people from the past, but it also makes me feel weird when I do reconnect. I do it anyway--I like when people, especially those I may not have talked to in awhile, comment on my activities--but I am self-conscious about such interactions.

Anyway, this has been something I've been thinking about lately, especially because I read a post a former coworker put on her blog about Taylor Swift's new, absolutely amazing song, Blank Space. But she criticized the video, and rightly so. As she pointed out, Tay-Tay had gone Cray Cray. But I didn't know if it'd be weird to engage on the post.

And that's all for today. This song has been stuck in my head all day, and I think the general message is right on target. It can even be changed from talking about a girl to just life in general.

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