Tuesday, January 21, 2014

An Introduction, and a Promise or Two

I've been meaning to start a blog for awhile now. It's not because I think I do anything all that exciting that everyone should be reading--in fact, I'd venture that the opposite is true--but I think blogging about my life in the suburbs could be a great way for me to chronicle things and realize that I am doing much more than I realize. Plus, some really good friends of mine keep up blogs and I'm jealous of their use of the internet as a creative outlet. So, here it is. Life from the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC, as told from the eyes of a mid-20-something career-oriented male.

I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to organize this blog, but here are a few promises I hope to keep. Even if no one reads this, I hope to use this list to guide me:

1. I will post a video of something that makes me happy at the bottom of every post. If you watch Ellen on TV or follow her on Twitter (yep, I'm admitting that I do from the outset), then you might have seen some of these videos before I post them. But they still make me smile, and I hope they do for you too.

2. I will not talk about politics. Politics/international affairs is my day job; this blog is me, and my career is not me, just a part of me.

3. I will not call any of my friends or acquaintances out by name. I've read enough horror stories of people complaining about someone only to realize that that person has read the blog. Oops. And in that light, this blog will most certainly not become a vent fest. That's not fun, and no one wants to read that.

4. I will strive to post once a week, give or take. I mean, I have to be doing something each week, or have something on my mind, right?

5. And finally, I will do my best to use proper English and not devolve into colloquialisms. Primarily, I know I overuse the word "so" and it makes me uncomfortable. Others may not notice it, but for me it's like getting pricked by a needle every time I use it. So (ugh!), that is something I'm trying to do to make myself better.

To sum up, hopefully anyone who has ventured this far in the post has enjoyed it and looks forward to another entry in the coming days. And as promised, here's a video of chicken cops breaking up a rabbit fight:

1 comment:

  1. Yey! Now I can stalk you without having to go on facebook!
    Can't wait to hear your adventures
