Sunday, August 20, 2017

Catching Up

I'm a clean inbox sort of guy. Having more than five emails in my inbox can stress me out, especially if any of them are unread because I still have some sort of action I need to take on them. This extends beyond just my inbox and includes things like my YouTube subscriptions and DVR too. Based on previous experiences, it usually takes me about 1 week to catch up on TV for each week I am away. Except this time.

I cleaned out my DVR before I left on a two-week work trip in late April. I then had six days back before going on a two-week vacation. And from there, I felt like I was swimming in an awfully-full DVR. To the point I got excited when I had it regularly under 50%. But even though it's my DVR and not something actually important, my inability to clear it out was incredibly frustrating.

Until today. 118 days after I left on that trip in April, I finally finished clearing out all of the shows, movies, and specials I had recorded. Add that to the fact that I only have 4 emails in my inbox, and I feel as if I am caught up and have complete control over all of these easy elements of my life.

An empty DVR!!!
I know it's silly and that there are more important things to get concerned about, but as someone who likes everything in its place and doesn't understand how some people could have unread messages (or record shows without ever watching them), I'll take the victories as I get them.

As for something making me happy right now, I love Pink's new song, so here it is. Hope you enjoy it too.

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