Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Trip of Contrasts

In my first trip back to Africa since leaving Sudan in January, I felt like I experienced two extremes of the continent. Lagos, despite its size, felt organized. There was a rhythm, a pulse, to the streets. Highways connected major points, and there was a noticeable drive in the local population. Yaounde felt different. It was more chaotic. Even many of the main roads were one lane in each direction, twisting and turning through neighborhoods and lined with an odd assortment of shops and half-finished buildings. The people were also much more subdued, rarely, if ever, cracking a smile. Helpful, but passive.

A Yaounde Sunset
Lagos felt modern, ready to push the limits of the 21st century. Yaounde felt traditional, plugging away down a well-trodden path.

Every time I travel, no matter where in the world I go, I learn a little something new about myself. On this trip, I discovered that big and crazy isn't necessarily my nemesis. Both cities had their charm, although I much preferred Lagos. Yes, I like the suburbs (the hustle and bustle of big cities can exhaust me), but big and organized works for me. In Lagos, the craziness somehow felt predictable, even if the predictability was that the traffic would be unpredictable. Yaounde lacked the organization I crave in my life.

While I think I've known about this trend for some time, I appreciate being able to take trip to new places, honing my understanding of myself. And so this week I'll go off for another two weeks, this time to Scandinavia. I look forward to seeing what I learn about myself!

In honor of Mother's Day, here's some #MomQuotes courtesy of Jimmy Fallon.

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