Friday, September 12, 2014

This Is Why I Can't Have Nice Things

Two weeks ago I was helping my brother-in-law saw some branches off a tree and apparently thought my left thumb was a branch. I took a saw to the thumb but it wasn't that deep, nothing that a little water, Neosporin, and a Band-Aid couldn't take care of. Oops.

Two weeks ago I bought a new set of glasses because I figure that after being an "adult" for the last four years it would be good if I finally had a full set of glasses...that all looked the same. Fine, they're not necessarily nice things--it was a set of 16 glasses for $15 from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. But they were mine, and they made me feel grown-up. This morning, I broke one of the glasses. It took me two weeks to make my beautiful, wonderful, very nice complete set incomplete.

So if you're reading this, you may wonder why I brought up the story of me sawing my thumb. Well, brilliant me at 6am this morning cleaned up the broken glass and through it in the garbage. Then, even more brilliant me decided to push down the garbage to make sure I was using all the space. And the glass got its revenge by impaling my right pointer finger. I can't have nice things because I break nice things and then find ways to hurt myself with it.

Successfully-built IKEA bed.
I'm in the process of building myself IKEA furniture--at this point a bed an entertainment unit--so I'm scared about what I might manage to do with those given my experience with other things I've bought and done for myself recently. Hopefully the thumb and pointer incidents aren't warnings for the rest of my left middle finger is on notice!

There were two videos on my list that had me cracking up recently, but I'll save the other one for the next post. In this one, the baby panda cub refuses to let go of his trainer's leg after being put back. It's such a cute juvenile thing, and a quick search of YouTube suggests pandas are very clingy animals!

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