Sunday, June 29, 2014

Perfect Weather Makes the Difference

Yes, a picture of my lawn again.
This has been the weekend of perfect weather, and I couldn't be happier. With daytime highs in the low- to mid-80s, the nights became absolutely splendid and great for spending time outside. Friday night was an outdoor concert--One Republic and The Script--and last night, I topped it by doing absolutely NOTHING. As in, I threw a blanket on my grass in the backyard, turned off all the lights, and stared up at the sky and stars.

It was near-bliss. With a glass of wine in hand and my iHeartRadio playing peaceful, relaxing music, I may have briefly drifted off while a nice, temperate breeze blew across my yard. With the exception of my music, it was silent--I couldn't hear the cars on the streets, not even the main streets just a bit away. THIS is why I moved to the suburbs. You can't get this in a city.

Today, Sunday, is another one of those days. I think a long walk around town is in order, to take advantage of the low humidity before the real dog days of summer set in. So short post, but happy post. Blissful post. The doing nothing post. Love it.

A beautiful version of a song by The Script:

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