Monday, November 2, 2015

Horoscopes and Soul Searching, the Start of a New Adventure

It's been 10 month since I used this blog, in large part because at some points it felt more like a chore than an enjoyable thing to do. But now I'm going off on another adventure, and so I figure there's no better time than now to try to revive it and see if it holds. So off to an entry!

I don't believe in horoscopes. I absolutely LOVE to read them, but the idea that the positions of random stars and planets in made-up houses could somehow determine my fate and the fate of the hundreds of millions other people born around the same time of year as me across many different generations is, frankly, preposterous. I love reading them, though, because I find it a way to think about what's coming. It's impossible for one person to focus on everything all the time, so I sometimes use my horoscope to focus my energies and give me a little bit of direction. Sometimes, however, the horoscope confirms already-created plans, as it did this month.

I'm off on an adventure today. I've been telling friends for weeks that this is my soul searching trip. I went straight from college to real world and never did those few weeks to find myself. Well, now here's my chance. Three weeks of travelling will hopefully let me find myself, my wants, my dreams, and when I return, strengthen the relationships I value while cutting those that are a drain on my being. I've had mini versions of these in the past, but this is one that I'm doing completely on my own terms.

Which brings me to my horoscope. How are these related? (I promise, this ordering all makes sense in my brain!) Buzzfeed had a "What's your horoscope for November" page, and this is what mine is:

It’s okay to feel introspective this month, Sagittarius. Take stock of YOU and your feelings before the holiday rush takes over. Delve deep rather than wide.

Woah.... That was my plan for November! I suppose I was looking for some sort of confirmation about how to do my soul searching (remember, I see horoscopes as guiding forces), but this was almost too spot-on.

And with that, I will make November an introspective month as I traipse around Eastern Europe looking for myself, delving deep into my soul as I explore the beautiful countries and cities and sites my destinations have to offer. Stay tuned to hear about the locations I visit and the things I find out about myself!

I almost forgot my video. Thanks to the very funny Jimmy Fallon:

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