Thursday, May 19, 2016

Another Big Move

This blog is about to take another big turn as I leave the comforts of the northern Virginia suburbs for a city of 3.6 million (or more) people. This coming Sunday, I will travel more than 6,500 miles to the lovely Khartoum, Sudan, for the next two years. I am really excited about this opportunity but recognize that it will make it more difficult to interact with family and friends. This move is one of the biggest reasons I haven't been as dedicated to this blog as I probably would otherwise have been. I knew moving was stressful, but I don't think I understood how stressful an international move is, especially one done as a single person while still having to go to work each day. But I'm almost there, and I look forward to sharing new adventures from Khartoum.

As for a happy video, I went to my cousin's Bat Mitvah this weekend and I heard this song. I recognize that it's from 2014, but it really made me happy and feels like a song that can apply to my move. So I hope you enjoy it too.