Sunday, January 4, 2015

One Year of Blogging

It strange to think that I'm approaching one year of chronicling seemingly mundane things on here. I will unfortunately be away for my blogoversary (if it's not a word, I'm pretending it is now), so this post will serve to mark the occasion. In fact, I'm departing tomorrow and should be packing, but this is serving to help me procrastinate the inevitable. I have a pile of clothes stacked on my bed--probably more than I need--and the suitcase in a separate room. Soon enough they'll all be together and locked away. I'll get to it soon.

In the past year I feel like I've grown. I've found that writing the thoughts in my mind gets them out of my head, freeing me up to think of other things. There's also a series of posts that were intended that never saw the light of day, and unsurprisingly, those thoughts are still running through my mind. It's a balance. The stats on who has read the blog suggests the personal posts were most popular, but those were also the hardest ones to write. I'm a naturally private person to begin with, so opening up can be a difficult task.

In any case, I really should pack for my 3 weeks away. Hopefully I have some fun adventures to relay from another trip to the continent. But first, 'Lil Baby Aidy and her Drake moment: